Wednesday, September 30, 2015

An Ode to a Marriage?

If I were YOU
and YOU were ME

Would this world
any different be?

I would do
What you now do

How I did it
You would've no clue

You would make
Errors of mine

and I would scorn
Please do not whine

I would cook
While you lay and smile

You'd do the dishes
Till I lay a while

You would be fat
and I would be fit

Well.. I am not
Complaining about that bit

You would be calm
when I would go mad

And i would make peace
if your day has been bad

But when going gets tough
we would be WE

There'd be no you
There's be no me

Brave face we would put
For the world to see

Deep inside though
scared we would be

You would shout
No... wait ....that would be me

See how confusing
It can all be?

So better you are you
and I am me

A Perfect world
it will never be