Lately, I am quite addicted to Turkish Dramas. It all started with Fatmagul. The next one to stir my conscience was Kordugum - Turkish for "Intersection"

Predictable yet unpredictable in its flow and plot - Intersection gave me sleepless nights, puffy eyes and red eyes - as each episode kept me up till late nights.
It all starts with a marriage on the rocks and the woman fatefully meets Ali Nejat. Love does not have its usual trajectory - there is no high point of passion shown : rather the delectable and shadowy bonds of the human mind.
At the heart of the plot is a little boy, who's destiny lets him to leads him to tread un-chartered waters everyday - as he tries to make sense of his reality. The drama unfolds the bond of a new father with a son he had been unaware of - as well as explore the intricacies of the human expectations across relationships.
Why this particular piece is titled Umut is because the character seemed very similar to a personal episode. Umut is a typical man we may come across everyday - seemingly frustrated with the lack of direction in his own life, perpetrator of a rocky marriage, suspicious and jealous of his partner. Interestingly Umut is Turkish for "hope" - however, life paints him quite, hopeless.
He comes across as a personality who keeps shouting, throwing things around, being volatile and the kind who fails to use his ears properly. He is the victim of his own insensibility.
In the end, the protagonist decides to leave him - as he with one blow ends their "hopes" for a future (Naz has a miscarriage, following a fight with Umut when he pushes her and she falls losing her balance).
To me the series was an epiphany - a particular toxicity lives, witnessed live on screen. I have realized, no matter how "open", progressive or broad minded men could be about many spheres of life - yet, when it comes to the fundamentals of a relationship, roots speak for themselves. A tier 2 man will forever be stuck in his origin story.
Despite the professional or corporate progressive attitude, if the mind of the man is stuck behind - "who is she talking to, she is a slut, she cannot be trusted.." - sadly, it speaks of the regressive character and mindset behind that so-called evolved mental make-up.
A man like this believes that 'slut shaming' would somehow be destructive and even moralistic - may also stretch his imagination to believe that the upbringing was faulty or the school lacked suitable moral science lectures. So this kind of a man- spearheads mankind - in his dexterous and arduous attempt at correction and correlation.
A man like this would also love to blame the woman for everything - feeding off on her insecurity and elevating it to a fever pitch so that she coils around him. And when the coil becomes a recoil - he automatically moves on to the offensive - attacking with spite and a few chosen words that enact his chiseled intelligence.
Take for instance, a particular issue the woman might seek his guidance on or merely a listener-ship if nothing else. The man is the self-appointed ruler of the moralistic kingdom and instead of being a friend becomes the soothsayer - all eventualities pointing unfairly and unfavorably in the woman's direction.
This kind of a man comes from his own set of superiority values - he believes he is above all though he lives under his own faux pas of inequality. Specially in a relationship, this man becomes the God - worships his own way of the world and seeks deference or fear in place of unrequited love.
Wonder what is really the "Umut" for such Umuts?!
Predictable yet unpredictable in its flow and plot - Intersection gave me sleepless nights, puffy eyes and red eyes - as each episode kept me up till late nights.
It all starts with a marriage on the rocks and the woman fatefully meets Ali Nejat. Love does not have its usual trajectory - there is no high point of passion shown : rather the delectable and shadowy bonds of the human mind.
At the heart of the plot is a little boy, who's destiny lets him to leads him to tread un-chartered waters everyday - as he tries to make sense of his reality. The drama unfolds the bond of a new father with a son he had been unaware of - as well as explore the intricacies of the human expectations across relationships.
Why this particular piece is titled Umut is because the character seemed very similar to a personal episode. Umut is a typical man we may come across everyday - seemingly frustrated with the lack of direction in his own life, perpetrator of a rocky marriage, suspicious and jealous of his partner. Interestingly Umut is Turkish for "hope" - however, life paints him quite, hopeless.
He comes across as a personality who keeps shouting, throwing things around, being volatile and the kind who fails to use his ears properly. He is the victim of his own insensibility.
In the end, the protagonist decides to leave him - as he with one blow ends their "hopes" for a future (Naz has a miscarriage, following a fight with Umut when he pushes her and she falls losing her balance).
To me the series was an epiphany - a particular toxicity lives, witnessed live on screen. I have realized, no matter how "open", progressive or broad minded men could be about many spheres of life - yet, when it comes to the fundamentals of a relationship, roots speak for themselves. A tier 2 man will forever be stuck in his origin story.
Despite the professional or corporate progressive attitude, if the mind of the man is stuck behind - "who is she talking to, she is a slut, she cannot be trusted.." - sadly, it speaks of the regressive character and mindset behind that so-called evolved mental make-up.
A man like this believes that 'slut shaming' would somehow be destructive and even moralistic - may also stretch his imagination to believe that the upbringing was faulty or the school lacked suitable moral science lectures. So this kind of a man- spearheads mankind - in his dexterous and arduous attempt at correction and correlation.
A man like this would also love to blame the woman for everything - feeding off on her insecurity and elevating it to a fever pitch so that she coils around him. And when the coil becomes a recoil - he automatically moves on to the offensive - attacking with spite and a few chosen words that enact his chiseled intelligence.
Take for instance, a particular issue the woman might seek his guidance on or merely a listener-ship if nothing else. The man is the self-appointed ruler of the moralistic kingdom and instead of being a friend becomes the soothsayer - all eventualities pointing unfairly and unfavorably in the woman's direction.
This kind of a man comes from his own set of superiority values - he believes he is above all though he lives under his own faux pas of inequality. Specially in a relationship, this man becomes the God - worships his own way of the world and seeks deference or fear in place of unrequited love.
Wonder what is really the "Umut" for such Umuts?!